September 7, 2023 Release

In this release, we’re moving React Aria Components from alpha to beta! With this milestone, we’ve made some API updates based on early feedback, introduced a new Tailwind CSS plugin, and updated the documentation with improved content and organization.

This release also deprecates the validationState prop in many components and replaces it with an isInvalid boolean prop. It also includes fixes for an infinite resize loop bug in ButtonGroup, a press handling bug on certain Android devices, and new documentation for our pre-release components.

As always, huge thanks to all of our contributors!

Updates to React Aria Components#

React Aria Components includes the following API changes:

  • All states are now exposed on DOM elements as data attributes. Previously, some states were documented as ARIA attributes or native CSS pseudo classes, but this caused some confusion. Switching to data attributes for all states ensures API consistency and allows us to handle future ARIA pattern changes more easily without breaking your styles. See the Styling section in each component’s documentation for the full list of supported states.
  • Breadcrumbs now uses the <Breadcrumb> component instead of <Item>. In addition, it does not include a <nav> element by default anymore. The <ol> element is now the root element.
  • All components with validation support moved from the validationState prop to the isInvalid prop. This is exposed as data-invalid instead of data-validation-state as well.

In addition to the above API changes, we also released the following improvements:

  • New Styling page in the docs that gives an overview of the various methods to style React Aria Components, including states, render props, slots, and animation with CSS keyframes and Framer Motion.
  • A new Tailwind CSS plugin that gives you shorter modifier names and autocomplete for the states of React Aria Components.
  • Our collection components now render on the server during SSR.
  • Updates to the documentation of every component:
    • The anatomy section has been expanded to include improved visuals and the corresponding JSX structure for every element and supported slot within a component.
    • The content has been reorganized into sub sections and ordered to place reference material at the end of the page, and move more examples toward the top.
    • The “Advanced Customization” section has been updated to document the public contexts provided and consumed by each component, and how you can use these to create your own higher level patterns.
    • Documentation has been grouped into sections in the left navigation for Components, Hooks, Interactions, and Utilities to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Thanks to everyone who tried out React Aria Components while it was in alpha! Your feedback has been extremely valuable as we iterate toward a full release.

Validation state deprecation#

In React Spectrum and React Aria hooks, we have deprecated the validationState prop in many components, and replaced it with the isInvalid boolean prop. Most components do not include a visual “valid” state, so the previous API was confusing. For React Spectrum, field-like components such as TextField and ComboBox continue to support the validationState prop to display a green checkmark, but other components such as CheckboxGroup now use isInvalid instead. In React Aria, all hooks have migrated to isInvalid. The old API will continue to work in both but is marked as deprecated, and you can update in your own time.


  • Add checks to prevent event bubbling in useDatePickerGroup - @yihuiliao - PR
  • Do not close overlays on blur if relatedTarget is null - @devongovett - PR
  • Removing aria-disabled so TalkBack users can open the context dialog - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Update translations for Actionbar, Button, Dropzone, Menu - @rgeraghty - PR
  • Replace validationState with isInvalid - @devongovett - PR
  • Fix MenuItem to chain provided onClose pressed - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Add check to detect Android pointer type as touch - @yihuiliao - PR
  • Update hidden textfield in Select to not be focusable - @pr7prashant - PR
  • Keep focus on last pressed column header in TableView when loading - @jluyau - PR
  • Fix RadioGroup lost roving tab index - @snowystinger - PR
  • Fix missing peerDependency on react-dom - @wojtekmaj - PR
  • Fix ButtonGroup infinite update loop - @snowystinger - PR
  • Make all submenus close upon user interact outside - @LFDanLu - PR


Under construction#

Fixes to pre-released components are listed below. Please feel free to try them out, and report any issues you encounter.

React Aria Components (Beta)#

Released packages#

- @adobe/react-spectrum@3.30.0
- @internationalized/date@3.5.0
- @react-aria/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.21
- @react-aria/actiongroup@3.6.2
- @react-aria/aria-modal-polyfill@3.7.5
- @react-aria/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.20
- @react-aria/breadcrumbs@3.5.5
- @react-aria/button@3.8.2
- @react-aria/calendar@3.5.0
- @react-aria/checkbox@3.11.0
- @react-aria/color@3.0.0-beta.24
- @react-aria/combobox@3.6.4
- @react-aria/datepicker@3.7.0
- @react-aria/dialog@3.5.5
- @react-aria/dnd@3.4.1
- @react-aria/focus@3.14.1
- @react-aria/grid@3.8.2
- @react-aria/gridlist@3.6.0
- @react-aria/i18n@3.8.2
- @react-aria/interactions@3.18.0
- @react-aria/label@3.7.0
- @react-aria/landmark@3.0.0-beta.4
- @react-aria/link@3.5.4
- @react-aria/listbox@3.10.2
- @react-aria/menu@3.10.2
- @react-aria/meter@3.4.5
- @react-aria/numberfield@3.8.0
- @react-aria/overlays@3.17.0
- @react-aria/progress@3.4.5
- @react-aria/radio@3.8.0
- @react-aria/searchfield@3.5.5
- @react-aria/select@3.12.1
- @react-aria/selection@3.16.2
- @react-aria/separator@3.3.5
- @react-aria/slider@3.7.0
- @react-aria/spinbutton@3.5.2
- @react-aria/ssr@3.8.0
- @react-aria/switch@3.5.4
- @react-aria/table@3.12.0
- @react-aria/tabs@3.7.0
- @react-aria/tag@3.1.2
- @react-aria/textfield@3.12.0
- @react-aria/toast@3.0.0-beta.4
- @react-aria/toggle@3.8.0
- @react-aria/tooltip@3.6.2
- @react-aria/utils@3.20.0
- @react-aria/virtualizer@3.9.2
- @react-aria/visually-hidden@3.8.4
- @react-spectrum/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.23
- @react-spectrum/actionbar@3.2.0
- @react-spectrum/actiongroup@3.9.2
- @react-spectrum/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.21
- @react-spectrum/avatar@3.0.4
- @react-spectrum/badge@3.1.5
- @react-spectrum/breadcrumbs@3.8.2
- @react-spectrum/button@3.13.0
- @react-spectrum/buttongroup@3.6.5
- @react-spectrum/calendar@3.4.0
- @react-spectrum/card@3.0.0-alpha.22
- @react-spectrum/checkbox@3.8.0
- @react-spectrum/color@3.0.0-beta.25
- @react-spectrum/combobox@3.10.1
- @react-spectrum/contextualhelp@3.6.2
- @react-spectrum/datepicker@3.7.1
- @react-spectrum/dialog@3.8.2
- @react-spectrum/divider@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/dnd@3.3.2
- @react-spectrum/form@3.6.5
- @react-spectrum/icon@3.7.5
- @react-spectrum/illustratedmessage@3.4.5
- @react-spectrum/image@3.4.5
- @react-spectrum/inlinealert@3.1.0
- @react-spectrum/label@3.14.0
- @react-spectrum/labeledvalue@3.1.5
- @react-spectrum/layout@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/link@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/list@3.6.2
- @react-spectrum/listbox@3.11.2
- @react-spectrum/menu@3.14.0
- @react-spectrum/meter@3.4.5
- @react-spectrum/numberfield@3.7.1
- @react-spectrum/overlays@5.4.0
- @react-spectrum/picker@3.12.0
- @react-spectrum/progress@3.6.2
- @react-spectrum/provider@3.8.2
- @react-spectrum/radio@3.6.0
- @react-spectrum/searchfield@3.7.5
- @react-spectrum/slider@3.6.1
- @react-spectrum/statuslight@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/switch@3.4.5
- @react-spectrum/table@3.11.1
- @react-spectrum/tabs@3.7.2
- @react-spectrum/tag@3.1.2
- @react-spectrum/text@3.4.5
- @react-spectrum/textfield@3.10.5
- @react-spectrum/theme-dark@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/theme-default@3.5.5
- @react-spectrum/theme-express@3.0.0-alpha.7
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- @react-spectrum/tooltip@3.5.4
- @react-spectrum/utils@3.10.2
- @react-spectrum/view@3.6.2
- @react-spectrum/well@3.4.5
- @react-stately/calendar@3.4.0
- @react-stately/checkbox@3.5.0
- @react-stately/collections@3.10.1
- @react-stately/color@3.4.2
- @react-stately/combobox@3.7.0
- @react-stately/data@3.10.2
- @react-stately/datepicker@3.7.0
- @react-stately/dnd@3.2.4
- @react-stately/grid@3.8.1
- @react-stately/layout@3.13.1
- @react-stately/list@3.9.2
- @react-stately/menu@3.5.5
- @react-stately/numberfield@3.6.1
- @react-stately/overlays@3.6.2
- @react-stately/radio@3.9.0
- @react-stately/searchfield@3.4.5
- @react-stately/select@3.5.4
- @react-stately/selection@3.13.4
- @react-stately/slider@3.4.2
- @react-stately/table@3.11.1
- @react-stately/tabs@3.6.0
- @react-stately/toggle@3.6.2
- @react-stately/tooltip@3.4.4
- @react-stately/tree@3.7.2
- @react-stately/virtualizer@3.6.2
- @react-types/accordion@3.0.0-alpha.16
- @react-types/actionbar@3.1.2
- @react-types/actiongroup@3.4.4
- @react-types/autocomplete@3.0.0-alpha.16
- @react-types/avatar@3.0.2
- @react-types/badge@3.1.4
- @react-types/breadcrumbs@3.6.2
- @react-types/button@3.8.0
- @react-types/buttongroup@3.3.4
- @react-types/calendar@3.4.0
- @react-types/card@3.0.0-alpha.18
- @react-types/checkbox@3.5.1
- @react-types/color@3.0.0-beta.19
- @react-types/combobox@3.8.0
- @react-types/contextualhelp@3.2.5
- @react-types/datepicker@3.6.0
- @react-types/dialog@3.5.5
- @react-types/divider@3.3.4
- @react-types/form@3.5.3
- @react-types/grid@3.2.1
- @react-types/illustratedmessage@3.3.4
- @react-types/image@3.3.4
- @react-types/label@3.8.0
- @react-types/layout@3.3.10
- @react-types/link@3.4.5
- @react-types/list@3.2.6
- @react-types/listbox@3.4.4
- @react-types/menu@3.9.4
- @react-types/meter@3.3.4
- @react-types/numberfield@3.6.0
- @react-types/overlays@3.8.2
- @react-types/progress@3.4.3
- @react-types/provider@3.6.4
- @react-types/radio@3.5.1
- @react-types/searchfield@3.5.0
- @react-types/select@3.8.3
- @react-types/shared@3.20.0
- @react-types/slider@3.6.1
- @react-types/statuslight@3.3.4
- @react-types/switch@3.4.1
- @react-types/table@3.8.1
- @react-types/tabs@3.3.2
- @react-types/text@3.3.4
- @react-types/textfield@3.8.0
- @react-types/tooltip@3.4.4
- @react-types/view@3.4.4
- @react-types/well@3.3.4
- @spectrum-icons/color@3.5.5
- @spectrum-icons/express@3.0.0-alpha.9
- @spectrum-icons/illustrations@3.6.5
- @spectrum-icons/ui@3.5.5
- @spectrum-icons/workflow@4.2.4
- react-aria@3.28.0
- react-aria-components@1.0.0-beta.0
- react-stately@3.26.0
- tailwindcss-react-aria-components@1.0.0-beta.0