December 16, 2021 Release

For our end of year release we worked on improving our accessibility, types and documentation. We will be back next year with new components and features! Have a safe and restful holiday break and thank you for all the contributions this year.


  • Patch intl-messageformat for null or undefined values - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Add onKeyDown event handler to SearchField - @reidbarber - PR
  • Update selection useSingleSelectionState and useMultipleSelectionState to control sending duplicate selection events - @LFDanLu - PR
  • Fix incorrect color rending for Checkbox - @paulgpeterson - PR
  • Pass filtered DOM props to Tabs - @khoad - PR
  • Fix incorrect active state on disabled Checkbox in Firefox - @ktabors - PR
  • Update types for ComboBox to seperate stately props - @frdclav - PR
  • Remove unused type disallowEmptySelection from ComboBox, Select and useSingleSelectListState - @qilto - PR
  • Improve VO support for selection and long press - @snowystinger - PR
  • Add additional translations for long press support in React Aria grid - andmail101 - PR


  • Update Next.js docs to include latest components - @rwoll - PR
  • Fix useMenuTrigger example to spread correct props on menu - @frdclav - PR
  • Update TableView and useAsyncList to use useCollator for sorting - @wilfredo-malazarte - PR
  • Update Contributing file with new versions - @sdjustin - PR
  • Add missing import to useSwitch example - @Dev-CasperTheGhost - PR

Under construction#

Pre-release versions of the following components have been released. Please feel free to try them out, and report any issues you encounter.

Released packages#

- @adobe/react-spectrum => 3.15.1
- @internationalized/message => 3.0.3
- @react-aria/color => 3.0.0-beta.6
- @react-aria/combobox => 3.2.1
- @react-aria/datepicker => 3.0.0-alpha.2
- @react-aria/grid => 3.2.0
- @react-aria/searchfield => 3.2.2
- @react-aria/selection => 3.7.1
- @react-aria/table => 3.2.0
- @react-aria/utils => 3.11.0
- @react-spectrum/color => 3.0.0-beta.6
- @react-spectrum/datepicker => 3.0.0-alpha.2
- @react-spectrum/list => 3.0.0-alpha.5
- @react-spectrum/table => 3.1.1
- @react-spectrum/tabs => 3.1.1
- @react-stately/list => 3.4.1
- @react-stately/selection => 3.9.0
- @react-types/combobox => 3.2.1
- @react-types/select => 3.5.1
- @react-types/shared => 3.10.1
- react-aria => 3.12.0
- react-stately => 3.11.0