
The @internationalized/number package provides utilities for formatting and parsing numbers across locales and numbering systems.

installyarn add @internationalized/number


  • Advanced formatting – Formatting and parsing decimals, percentages, currency values, and unit values are supported.
  • Locale-aware – Numbers are formatted and parsed according to the locale expectations, including decimal characters and separators, percent signs, unit and currency symbols, and more.
  • International numbering systems – Support for the Latin, Arabic, and Han decimal numbering systems, including automatic detection of the numbering system used in the input.
  • Small bundle size – The entire library is 1.7 kB minified and compressed with Brotli. No large locale data is needed – all data is retrieved from builtin browser APIs!


Numbers are represented in many different ways by cultures around the world. This includes differences in currency symbols, units, decimal points, grouping separators, and even digits themselves. When building applications that support users around the world, it is important to handle these aspects correctly for each locale. The @internationalized/number package provides a utilities to format and parse numbers according to locale expectations.

This example parses a percentage in the Arabic numbering system according to the ar-SA locale, and formats as a Latin number in the en-US locale.

import {NumberParser, NumberFormatter} from '@internationalized/number';

let parser = new NumberParser('ar-SA', {style: 'percent'});
let number = parser.parse('٤٥٪'); // 0.45

let formatter = new NumberFormatter('en-US', {style: 'percent'});
formatter.format(number); // '45%'
import {
} from '@internationalized/number';

let parser = new NumberParser('ar-SA', {
  style: 'percent'
let number = parser.parse('٤٥٪'); // 0.45

let formatter = new NumberFormatter('en-US', {
  style: 'percent'
formatter.format(number); // '45%'
import {
} from '@internationalized/number';

let parser =
  new NumberParser(
    { style: 'percent' }
let number = parser
  .parse('٤٥٪'); // 0.45

let formatter =
  new NumberFormatter(
    { style: 'percent' }
formatter.format(number); // '45%'

See the docs for NumberParser and NumberFormatter to learn more.