Getting Started

This page describes how to get started building your own component library with React Aria.

What is React Aria?#

React Aria is a library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system. It provides accessibility and behavior for many common UI components so you can focus on your unique design and styling. It implements adaptive interactions to ensure the best experience possible for all users, including support for mouse, touch, keyboard, and screen readers.


React Aria is incrementally adoptable. Each component is published as a separate package, so you can try it out in a single component and gradually add more over time. All of these packages are published under the @react-aria scope on npm.

You can install any React Aria package using a package manager like npm or yarn.

yarn add @react-aria/button

We also offer a single package containing all React Aria hooks. See below for details.

Building a component#

React Aria provides behavior and accessibility through React Hooks. Since it does not provide any rendering, you are responsible for defining the DOM structure for your component and passing the DOM props returned by each React Aria hook to the appropriate elements. This is powerful because it allows you to be in complete control over the DOM structure that you render. For example, you may need to add extra elements for styling or layout control. You also get complete control over how you style your components: you could use CSS classes, inline styles, CSS-in-JS, etc.

Start by importing the hook you wish to use, and calling it in your component. You'll typically pass through the props from your component, along with a ref to the DOM node in some cases. The hook will return one or more sets of DOM props which you should pass through to the appropriate element. This can be done by spreading the props returned from the hook onto the element that you render.

This example shows a very simple button component built with the useButton hook.

import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';

function Button(props) {
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {buttonProps} = useButton(props, ref);

  return (
    <button {...buttonProps} ref={ref}>

<Button onPress={() => alert('Button pressed!')}>Press me</Button>
import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';

function Button(props) {
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {buttonProps} = useButton(props, ref);

  return (
    <button {...buttonProps} ref={ref}>

<Button onPress={() => alert('Button pressed!')}>
  Press me
import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';

function Button(props) {
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {
  } = useButton(

  return (

  onPress={() =>
      'Button pressed!'
  Press me

Now you just need to add your own styling, and you have a fully accessible button component that works consistently across mouse, touch, keyboard, and screen readers! See the useButton docs for an example of how to do that.

Stateful components#

Many components are stateless — they display information to a user. Examples of stateless components include buttons, progress bars, and links. These components don't update as the user interacts with them.

A stateful component has some state, and allows a user to interact with the component in order to update that state. Examples of stateful components include text fields, checkboxes, and selects.

React Aria separates the state management logic into a separate hook that lives in react-stately. The state hook holds the state for the component, and provides an interface to read and update that state. This allows this logic to be reused across different platforms, e.g. in react-native. Read more about this on the architecture page.

To build a stateful component, you'll need to install and import the corresponding state hook from react-stately. Then, call the state hook from your component, and pass the resulting state object to the React Aria hook. You can also use the state in your rendering code to determine what visual state to display.

This example shows a very simple checkbox component built with the useCheckbox hook, along with the useToggleState hook from react-stately.

import {useToggleState} from '@react-stately/toggle';
import {useCheckbox} from '@react-aria/checkbox';

function Checkbox(props) {
  let state = useToggleState(props);
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {inputProps} = useCheckbox(props, state, ref);

  return (
    <label style={{display: 'block'}}>
      <input {...inputProps} ref={ref} />

  onChange={(isChecked) => alert(isChecked ? 'Checked!' : 'Unchecked')}>
  Check me
import {useToggleState} from '@react-stately/toggle';
import {useCheckbox} from '@react-aria/checkbox';

function Checkbox(props) {
  let state = useToggleState(props);
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {inputProps} = useCheckbox(props, state, ref);

  return (
    <label style={{display: 'block'}}>
      <input {...inputProps} ref={ref} />

  onChange={(isChecked) =>
    alert(isChecked ? 'Checked!' : 'Unchecked')
  Check me
import {useToggleState} from '@react-stately/toggle';
import {useCheckbox} from '@react-aria/checkbox';

function Checkbox(
) {
  let state = useToggleState(
  let ref = React.useRef();
  let {
  } = useCheckbox(

  return (
        display: 'block'

  ) =>
        ? 'Checked!'
        : 'Unchecked'
  Check me

See the useCheckbox docs for a full example of a custom styled checkbox.


In addition to individual packages, we also offer a mono-package containing all of the React Aria hooks in a single package. This ensures that all packages use compatible versions and are upgraded together. If you release all components in your component library in a single package, or just want to get started easily without installing a lot of packages, the mono-package may be the way to go. It is available as the react-aria package on npm.

yarn add react-aria

Once installed, all hooks work the same way as the individual packages, but are imported from the react-aria package instead of individual packages.

// Individual packages
import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';
// Individual packages
import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';
// Individual packages
import {useButton} from '@react-aria/button';
// Monopackage
import {useButton} from 'react-aria';
// Monopackage
import {useButton} from 'react-aria';
// Monopackage
import {useButton} from 'react-aria';

Next steps#

Now that you understand how to use the hooks in React Aria to build your own components, you can read the documentation for the individual hooks to understand them in detail. We also have high level documentation about topics like interactions, internationalization, and accessibility.

For a complete example of a component library built with React Aria, check out React Spectrum, which is an implementation of Spectrum, Adobe's design system. The source code is a good example of how the React Aria hooks are used in many real world components.