Why React Aria?

This page discusses why React Aria exists, and the problems it solves.


Design systems are now more popular than ever, and many companies both large and small are implementing their own component libraries from scratch. Modern view libraries like React allow teams to build and maintain these components more easily than ever before, but it is still extraordinarily difficult to do so in a fully accessible way with interactions that work across many types of devices.

The web is a very unique platform. It runs across a very wide variety of devices and interaction models, and because there is no well defined platform aesthetic, every company usually needs to style each component in their design system to match their brand. There are very few built-in UI controls in the browser, and those that do exist are very hard to style. This leads to web developers at every company needing to rebuild every control from scratch. This represents millions of dollars of investment for each company to duplicate work that many other companies are also doing.

The fully styleable primitives that the web offers (e.g. <div>) are quite powerful, but they lack semantic meaning. This means that accessibility is often missing because assistive technology cannot make sense of the div soup that we use to implement our components. Even if you use ARIA to provide semantics, you still need to implement all of the behavior for each component from scratch using JavaScript, and this can be tricky to do across many devices and interaction models.

Unfortunately, many companies and teams don't have the resources or time to prioritize features like accessibility, internationalization, full keyboard navigation, touch interactions, and more. This leads to many web apps having sub-par accessibility and interactions, and contributes to the perception of the web as an inferior app platform compared to native apps.

React Aria#

React Aria separates the behavior and accessibility implementation for many common UI components out into React Hooks, which enables them to be reused easily between design systems. You remain in complete control over the rendering and styling aspects of your components, but get most of the behavior, accessibility, and internationalization support for free.

Rather than starting with only divs and building everything yourself, you start with elements that have semantic meaning, behavior, and interactions built in. This allows you to build components more quickly, and ensures that they work well across mouse, touch, and keyboard interactions, as well as with screen readers and other assistive technology.


The main reason developers need to create their own component libraries from scratch is styling. Built-in browser UI controls are not customizable enough, and in many cases do not exist at all. Because of this, React Aria is intentionally very low level: unlike many open source component libraries, it provides no rendering at all, just behavior and accessibility. We impose no specific DOM structure or styling methodology. The hooks are small and composable, which allows you to combine them together and achieve your design with only the features you need in your component.

Most components have behavior that is consistent even across design systems. The WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices published by the W3C specifies the expected keyboard and accessibility behavior for most common components. In addition, touch and mouse behavior is usually quite consistent regardless of the design. A button is still a button, even if it looks a little different.

That said, some customization across design systems may be warranted in some cases. Since you are in full control over the rendering of your components, you can choose to override certain props returned by React Aria hooks to add additional behavior as needed. For example, you might have a custom keyboard shortcut in a component, so you could chain a custom onKeyDown handler with the one returned by a React Aria hook in order to implement this.

Learn more#

You can learn more about the architecture that React Aria is a part of on the architecture page.

In addition, the following talk from React Europe discusses how React Aria came to be, its architecture, high quality cross-device interactions, and how we can share behavior between design systems.