
A layout container using CSS grid. Supports Spectrum dimensions as values to ensure consistent and adaptive sizing and spacing.

installyarn add @adobe/react-spectrum
usageimport {Grid} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'


The Grid component can be used to layout its children in two dimensions with CSS grid. Any React Spectrum component can be used as a child, and Spectrum dimension variables can be used to define sizing and spacing, which ensures consistency across applications, and allows the layout to adapt to different devices automatically. In addition, these values can be autocompleted in many IDEs for convenience.

All Grid props also support object syntax to define responsive layouts that change at certain breakpoints. See the layout docs for more details.


Explicit grids#

This example shows how to build a common application layout with a header, sidebar, content area, and footer. It uses the areas prop to define the grid areas, along with columns and rows to define the sizes. Each child uses the gridArea prop to declare which area it should be placed in.

    'header  header',
    'sidebar content',
    'footer  footer'
  columns={['1fr', '3fr']}
  rows={['size-1000', 'auto', 'size-1000']}
  <View backgroundColor="celery-600" gridArea="header" />
  <View backgroundColor="blue-600" gridArea="sidebar" />
  <View backgroundColor="purple-600" gridArea="content" />
  <View backgroundColor="magenta-600" gridArea="footer" />
    'header  header',
    'sidebar content',
    'footer  footer'
  columns={['1fr', '3fr']}
  rows={['size-1000', 'auto', 'size-1000']}
  <View backgroundColor="celery-600" gridArea="header" />
  <View backgroundColor="blue-600" gridArea="sidebar" />
  <View backgroundColor="purple-600" gridArea="content" />
  <View backgroundColor="magenta-600" gridArea="footer" />
    'header  header',
    'sidebar content',
    'footer  footer'

Implicit grids#

This example creates an implicit grid. It declares the columns using the repeat function to automatically generate as many columns as fit, and uses the autoRows prop to set the size of the implicitly created rows. The items are centered horizontally within the container, and have a gap between them defined using a Spectrum dimension variable. Resize your browser to see how items reflow.

  columns={repeat('auto-fit', 'size-800')}
  { =>
    <View key={color} backgroundColor={color} />
  columns={repeat('auto-fit', 'size-800')}
  { =>
    <View key={color} backgroundColor={color} />
    (color) => (


childrenReactNodeChildren of the grid container.
areasResponsive<string[]>Defines named grid areas. See MDN.
rowsResponsive<stringDimensionValue[]>Defines the sizes of each row in the grid. See MDN.
columnsResponsive<stringDimensionValue[]>Defines the sizes of each column in the grid. See MDN.
autoColumnsResponsive<DimensionValue>Defines the size of implicitly generated columns. See MDN.
autoRowsResponsive<DimensionValue>Defines the size of implicitly generated rows. See MDN.
autoFlowResponsive<'row''column''row dense''column dense'>Controls how auto-placed items are flowed into the grid. See MDN.
justifyItemsResponsive<'auto''normal''start''end''center''left''right''stretch''self-start''self-end''baseline''first baseline''last baseline''safe center''unsafe center''legacy right''legacy left''legacy center'>Defines the default justifySelf for all items in the grid. See MDN.
justifyContentResponsive<'start''end''center''left''right''space-between''space-around''space-evenly''stretch''baseline''first baseline''last baseline''safe center''unsafe center'>'stretch'The distribution of space around items along the main axis. See MDN.
alignContentResponsive<'start''end''center''space-between''space-around''space-evenly''stretch''baseline''first baseline''last baseline''safe center''unsafe center'>'start'The distribution of space around child items along the cross axis. See MDN.
alignItemsResponsive<'start''end''center''stretch''self-start''self-end''baseline''first baseline''last baseline''safe center''unsafe center'>'stretch'The alignment of children within their container. See MDN.
gapResponsive<DimensionValue>The space to display between both rows and columns. See MDN.
columnGapResponsive<DimensionValue>The space to display between columns. See MDN.
rowGapResponsive<DimensionValue>The space to display between rows. See MDN.
flexResponsive<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrowResponsive<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrinkResponsive<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasisResponsive<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelfResponsive<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelfResponsive<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
orderResponsive<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridAreaResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStartResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEndResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStartResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEndResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
marginResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTopResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottomResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStartResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEndResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginXResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginYResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
widthResponsive<DimensionValue>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidthResponsive<DimensionValue>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidthResponsive<DimensionValue>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
heightResponsive<DimensionValue>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeightResponsive<DimensionValue>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeightResponsive<DimensionValue>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
positionResponsive<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
topResponsive<DimensionValue>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottomResponsive<DimensionValue>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
leftResponsive<DimensionValue>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
rightResponsive<DimensionValue>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
startResponsive<DimensionValue>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
endResponsive<DimensionValue>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndexResponsive<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHiddenResponsive<boolean>Hides the element.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Helper functions#

React Spectrum offers JavaScript versions of the CSS functions that are often used with CSS grid. These allow using Spectrum variables to define dimensions, and are typed to allow IDE autocomplete.


The repeat function can be used to make a repeating fragment of the columns or rows list.

repeat( (count: number'auto-fill''auto-fit', , repeat: DimensionValueDimensionValue[] )): string


The minmax function defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max.

minmax( (min: DimensionValue, , max: DimensionValue )): string


The fitContent function clamps a given size to an available size.

fitContent( (dimension: DimensionValue )): string