
ButtonGroup handles overflow for a grouping of buttons whose actions are related to each other.

installyarn add @adobe/react-spectrum
usageimport {ButtonGroup} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'


import {Button, ButtonGroup} from '@adobe/react-spectrum';

  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
import {Button, ButtonGroup} from '@adobe/react-spectrum';

  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
import {
} from '@adobe/react-spectrum';

  <Button variant="primary">
    Rate Now
  <Button variant="secondary">
    No, thanks
  <Button variant="secondary">
    Remind me later


ButtonGroup expects Buttons as children and is used to handle overflow. When horizontal space is limited, the ButtonGroup switches to a vertical layout. ButtonGroup should be used when there are two or more related Buttons in a group. To see the orientation switch in the example above, resize the width of your window.


childrenReactNodeThe Buttons contained within the ButtonGroup.
isDisabledbooleanWhether the Buttons in the ButtonGroup are all disabled.

The axis the ButtonGroup should align with. Setting this to 'vertical' will prevent any switching behaviors between 'vertical' and 'horizontal'.

alignAlignment'center''start'The alignment of the buttons within the ButtonGroup.
flexResponsive<stringnumberboolean>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow or shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexGrowResponsive<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will grow to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexShrinkResponsive<number>When used in a flex layout, specifies how the element will shrink to fit the space available. See MDN.
flexBasisResponsive<numberstring>When used in a flex layout, specifies the initial main size of the element. See MDN.
alignSelfResponsive<'auto''normal''start''end''center''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''stretch'>Overrides the alignItems property of a flex or grid container. See MDN.
justifySelfResponsive<'auto''normal''start''end''flex-start''flex-end''self-start''self-end''center''left''right''stretch'>Specifies how the element is justified inside a flex or grid container. See MDN.
orderResponsive<number>The layout order for the element within a flex or grid container. See MDN.
gridAreaResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the named grid area that the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the column the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the row the element should be placed in within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnStartResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridColumnEndResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending column to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowStartResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the starting row to span within the grid. See MDN.
gridRowEndResponsive<string>When used in a grid layout, specifies the ending row to span within the grid. See MDN.
marginResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for all four sides of the element. See MDN.
marginTopResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the top side of the element. See MDN.
marginBottomResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the bottom side of the element. See MDN.
marginStartResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the logical start side of the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginEndResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for the logical end side of an element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
marginXResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for both the left and right sides of the element. See MDN.
marginYResponsive<DimensionValue>The margin for both the top and bottom sides of the element. See MDN.
widthResponsive<DimensionValue>The width of the element. See MDN.
minWidthResponsive<DimensionValue>The minimum width of the element. See MDN.
maxWidthResponsive<DimensionValue>The maximum width of the element. See MDN.
heightResponsive<DimensionValue>The height of the element. See MDN.
minHeightResponsive<DimensionValue>The minimum height of the element. See MDN.
maxHeightResponsive<DimensionValue>The maximum height of the element. See MDN.
positionResponsive<'static''relative''absolute''fixed''sticky'>Specifies how the element is positioned. See MDN.
topResponsive<DimensionValue>The top position for the element. See MDN.
bottomResponsive<DimensionValue>The bottom position for the element. See MDN.
leftResponsive<DimensionValue>The left position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
rightResponsive<DimensionValue>The right position for the element. See MDN. Consider using start instead for RTL support.
startResponsive<DimensionValue>The logical start position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
endResponsive<DimensionValue>The logical end position for the element, depending on layout direction. See MDN.
zIndexResponsive<number>The stacking order for the element. See MDN.
isHiddenResponsive<boolean>Hides the element.
idstringThe element's unique identifier. See MDN.
UNSAFE_classNamestringSets the CSS className for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.
UNSAFE_styleCSSPropertiesSets inline style for the element. Only use as a last resort. Use style props instead.

Visual options#


View guidelines

Setting this to 'vertical' will prevent any dynamic orientation changes, the ButtonGroup will remain in vertical regardless of the available width.

<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical">
  <Button variant="secondary">
    No, thanks
  <Button variant="secondary">
    Remind me later
  <Button variant="primary">
    Rate Now


View guidelines

Button groups are aligned contextually. Generally, button groups should be start-aligned to follow content. However, they should be end-aligned inside container components, such as in dialogs, popovers, or cards. Center alignment should be used in the context of an empty state. In right-to-left languages, alignment is flipped automatically.

<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical" align="end">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical" align="end">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">
    No, thanks
  <Button variant="secondary">
    Remind me later
  <Button variant="primary">
    Rate Now
<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical" align="center">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
<ButtonGroup orientation="vertical" align="center">
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">
    No, thanks
  <Button variant="secondary">
    Remind me later
  <Button variant="primary">
    Rate Now


View guidelines

<ButtonGroup isDisabled>
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
<ButtonGroup isDisabled>
  <Button variant="secondary">No, thanks</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">Remind me later</Button>
  <Button variant="primary">Rate Now</Button>
  <Button variant="secondary">
    No, thanks
  <Button variant="secondary">
    Remind me later
  <Button variant="primary">
    Rate Now